
Course Tutors

Shaman PathwaysSkill and experience level: The single most important factor for you the student, is to have the very best tutors possible. All our tutors are highly skilled, highly trained, highly qualified with a depth of experience. Between them they also have qualifications in a variety of related therapies.

Practical not Theoretical: Our tutors have their own successful practices. This means that they are not just teaching you from a theoretical standpoint, but from actual day-to-day experience. They have become teachers through dedication, hard work and love of their subject and are committed to maintaining high standards within both the teaching and the treatment arena.

Training and Standards: Tutors are only accepted if they already have several years of teaching experience and have proved themselves to have proficient skills in practical and theory. They then undergo a thorough in-house training programme to further develop a very strong knowledge of both psychological and physical awareness of the vast subject of shamanism and other healing arts, , undergoing further initiations themselves in Shaman Pathways experiential teaching techniques. before offering shaman bodywork practitioner skills as a profession.

All tutors also have to pass an external exam set by the examining boards of the accreditation bodies including regular CPD (continual professional development) and updates in their own training each year.

They attend complementary courses on an ongoing basis, to extend their knowledge in related subjects, teaching techniques, course upgrades and new units or modules which help keep the programme fresh and up to date for students and tutors alike.

Shaman Pathways does not currently offer Teacher Training.